Monday 3 November 2014

Almost Done with Economics

Last week, we were covering the shift to modern liberalism and why it was seen as necessary following the 1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression.  Not only did the economic atmosphere change following these two catastrophic events, but the social attitudes in the United States and Canada changed.  There was more of an emphasis on the need for greater government involvement in hopes of protecting citizens from anything like that happening again.

This week, we will be looking at Canada's version of the Welfare State, along with how it is used in Europe.

  • Vocabulary: Monetary and Fiscal Policies
  • Article on the Great Depression
  • Vocabulary: Keynesian Economics, New Deal and Welfare State 
  • Review Questions and Video
  • Vocabulary: Progressive Taxation, Flat Tax and Mixed Economy
  • Canada's Mixed Economy
  • How Our Tax System Works
    • Bring a calculator to class


  • Flat Tax - Good or Bad? Debate
  • Sweden's Welfare State - Democratic Socialism
  • Rants by  Shalan and Dylan
  • Finish Sweden's Welfare State
  • Interpreting Sources
  • Is Paying Taxes so Bad?
  • Review Questions and Video
  • Swinging back to traditional capitalism
  • Flow Chart Activity - you need your textbook, glue and scissors

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