Monday 17 November 2014

Almost done with Economics!

This is our last week to be looking at economics, which means that you will be having your test on FRIDAY!!!! It will be covering everything we have learned about economics - capitalism pros and cons, communism pros and cons, shift to modern liberalism, Canada and Sweden's mixed economies and neo-conservative reaction - and is strictly a multiple choice test.  Somewhere between 35-45 questions I believe.  We will be reviewing in class this week, but it would be best if you started to review now rather than later.

There is very little new content that we will be covering this week, so we will have the opportunity to review material and go through interpreting sources and how to best use those techniques on your exam.  Be prepared to be finished writing when the bell rings - no extension into the next class, you will have until the end of break.

As well, all assignments/essays have been marked and updated, so you can check out your current marks on PowerSchool, it is all there.

So what's up with this week?


  • Vocabulary: Neoconservatism, Reagonomics, Monetarism
  • Make sure you get the flow chart answers so you can finish that
  • Video: Arguments against the Welfare State
  • Notes - Supply Side Economics
  • Interpreting Sources
  • Trickle Down Economics - Good or Bad?
  • Finish Notes
  • Comparing Keynesian Economics to Monetarism

  • Interpreting Sources
  • Comparing Government Actions
    • New Deal vs. Obamanomics 2008
  • Canada's new tax breaks - good or bad?
  • Video review questions
  • Rants by Kelsi-Leigh and Mikayla
  • Review - please let me know how you guys would like to review.  Having only half the class play a game is not that fun or helpful to those who don't participate...
  • Test day!!!!

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