Monday 27 October 2014

Shifting to Modern Liberalism

For the last two weeks, we have been looking at Capitalism and Communism and what the pros and cons of both systems are.  Now, like we have discussed many times over in class, implementing a philosophy EXACTLY the way it is written out on paper does not always achieve the desired results.  As such, most nations will adopt ideologies to some extent and use a combination of one or two ideologies to achieve the best possible situation for the majority of their citizens.

So what's going on this week?


  • Augustana Presentation - not sure how long this will be or if it is in my classroom.  So yeah.  Free stuff potentially :)
  • Revisit Communism Cons - go back over Lenin, Stalin and Gorbachev
  • Downfall of Communism questions
  • Vocabulary: Progressivism, Welfare Capitalism and The Square Deal
  • Notes - Shift to Modern Liberalism - The Welfare State

  • Interpreting Quotes


  • Vocabulary: Welfare State, the New Deal and Keynesian Economics
  • Life in the United States Before the Great Depression

  • The Great Depression - A consequence of capitalism
  • Worksheet - Cause-Event-Effect Chart on the Great Depression
  • Rants by Jonalyne and Katrina
  • Keynesian Economics

  • Notes on how it works
  • Finish Cause Event Effect Chart
  • How Keynesian Economics works - In your own words
  • FDR's New Deal

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