Sunday 19 October 2014

The Alternative to Capitalism - Communism

Last week, we were looking at the pros and cons of capitalism and how focusing completely on the individual does have benefits, but can also cause great harm to others in society.  I am not in class on Monday, so you will be working off the blog to watch videos and fill in notes to complete what we would have otherwise would have covered in class.  Because you will be watching these videos on at your own pace in the computer lab, YOU WILL NEED YOUR HEADPHONES.  Please don't forget them.  You will sit and twiddle your thumbs for 80 minutes otherwise.

Monday :

  • Please bring your ear buds.  After prayer and announcements, Mrs. Krill will take you down to the computer lab.
  • You will need your notes from Friday.  If you were absent Friday, Mrs. Krill has a couple extra sets of notes.
  • Finish watching the video on Triangle Waist Company Fire.  In your notes, write all the negatives the event shows about capitalism.

  • Take notes on what happened in the Bangladesh fire.  Note the similarities between the two fires that happened almost a century apart.  Answer the two questions in your notes.
  • Watch the following video on Lexotica eye glass company and answer the three questions in your notes.
  • Get the questions on the downside to capitalism from Mrs. Krill.  Answer the questions then watch the video below to fill in what you couldn't find out.
  • If you are finished before the end of class, you can start looking at what we will be start covering tomorrow - communism

  • Derek's super stellar rant!
  • Vocabulary: Communism and Socialism
  • What is communism? Notes
  • Explanation video
  • Review questions: Pros of communism
  • Implementation: The Russian Revolution
    • Lenin and Leninism
    • Warm Communism and the New Economic Policy
  • Rants: Taylor and Marcos
  • Stalinism and Chinese communism under Mao Zedong
  • Source Analysis
  • Downfall of Communism Review
  • Chinese Market Kerfuffle Video
  • Vocabulary activity - Reverse Taboo cards
  • Vocabulary: Progressivism, Square Deal and Welfare Capitalism
  • Modern Liberal Practices - Theodore Roosevelt and the Square Deal

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