Sunday, 5 March 2017

Capitalism vs Communism - The Age Old Debate for What's Better

Last week, we started analyzing capitalism and were looking at the benefits of it, mostly through looking at the positive outcomes of the Industrial Revolution. Click on the factory to see a generalized description of the Industrial Revolution and its positive and negative impacts.

Here is a quick re-cap of those positives:

This week, we will be analyzing the negatives of capitalism. There is no way that any idea will not have the good and bad parts to it. Remember, ideologies are the ideal society and it is humans that interpret how to use these ideologies. It is through this interpretation and implementation by individuals that you see the good and bad of an ideology emerge. So, while the Industrial Revolution had some really good things come about because of it, there were also some major downfalls as well.

Here is what our week will look like - the first FULL week of the semester 


  • Finish the notes from last week about the downfalls of capitalism

  • Pick case studies for research: Capitalists - Good or Bad??
    • You will need to have a device, tablet or laptop today AND tomorrow
  • Finish case studies and post them - Half the class
  • Start on the positives of Communism - yes, there are positives to the IDEA of communism

The Positives of Communism

  • Notes and case studies
  • Assignment for first half the class: Case Studies of Capitalism worksheet. Due on FRIDAY
  • Finish with the positives of communism notes and case studies

  • Rants by Ryan Shapka and Tiffany
  • Practice Writing Paragraphs due on Saturday:
    • Social 30-1: The Arguments for Assignment 2
    • Social 30-2: Assignment 3 - analyzing the issue and the individuals
  • The drawbacks of communism - Notes and examples
  • Case Study: inefficiencies of the Soviet Union

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