Sunday 26 February 2017

Capitalism - The Good and the Ugly

This week, we will start looking at the pros and cons of capitalism. To start with, we will look at the ideology and what it means. Key things to think of when you hear capitalism:

  • Adam Smith
  • Free market
  • Invisible Hand
  • Laissez-Faire
  • Profit Motive
To begin with, we will look at how capitalism was first implemented in the Industrial Revolution and then the good and bad effects of it. Then, we will look at the opposite of capitalism, which is communism. 

DON'T FORGET YOUR PROJECT IS DUE THIS THURSDAY!!!! If you are gone to Texas, I need it BEFORE you leave!

What will the week look like?

  • Ideology of capitalism

  • Implementation of Capitalism: Industrial Revolution (click on the link to get more info on the Industrial Revolution cause and effects)
    • Notes and Discussion
  • Cons of Capitalism - what are the downfalls?

    • Notes and Discussion
  • Individual Case Studies
    • Every person in class will be assigned two capitalists to research and post a short biography online about them
    • If you have a laptop/iPad bring it as it is easier to post from that than from your phones
  • Finish up with case studies
  • Assignment
    • Categorize 3 of the case studies from the class postings into one of three cases
    • This assignment will be due on MONDAY
  • Rant by Brody 
  • Watch videos from Projects
  • Practice Writing Number 4
    • 30-1  - Writing Assignment #2 Analysis of the Source
    • 30-2 - Writing Assignment #2 - Defense of Position

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