Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Last Full-ish week of the semester!

Hopefully, by now, you have started doing some reviewing, especially considering that you have a diploma on WEDNESDAY.  You will still have a politics exam to complete, next week, however it will be in the form of a partner test.  That means it will be a little bit longer, will include everything about democracies and dictatorships and the Cold War, but you will be taking the test with a partner.  That will be NEXT week, most likely on Tuesday.  If you haven't started studying, START NOW!

Some Cold War Videos to watch before your diploma on Wednesday because we won't be covering it until Thursday/Friday and Monday

What's happening your last week of social 30?

  • Video on Dissent
  • Imposing liberalism
    • Notes and examples
    • Benefits and drawbacks
    • You need textbooks today
  • Discovering Dissent Square (assignment due Friday)
  • Vocabulary: Illiberal democracies
  • Notes on illiberal actions
    • War Measures Act
    • Patriot Act
 Click here for video on Patriot Act
Click here to watch a video on the Patriot Act.  If you need a login it's LA14 and password 2255 
  • Questions on illiberalism
  • After school review in my classroom at 3:20
  • Part A in the Computer Lab.  Please show up, AT THE VERY LATEST by 8:45.  You start writing at 9.  Go pee before you go in because you will not have the opportunity to go after.
  • Good Luck :)
  • Final Rants: Kaylee, Sabrina, Tristan and Britney 
  • Start with the Cold War
    • How it started from the end of World War II
    • Different techniques
  • Continue with the Cold War and imposition of liberalism

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