Sunday 4 December 2016

Starting the Cold War Just as it Gets Cold - Couldn't Get Better Timing!!

This week is our week that is dedicated to the Cold War and we will probably finish this by next Tuesday at the latest.  Which will leave us approximately 3 weeks to cover our economics unit.  Since we are finishing up our unit on Dictatorships and the Cold War, next week you will have your test on this unit. This will include all aspects of dictatorships and parts of the Cold War.  No clue how many questions it will be, but at least 20.

On another note, if you are really interested in the Cold War, here is a great documentary series that was on CBC.

For the most part of this week, you will be working on a short presentation for your part of the Cold War. That means you should probably be bringing your laptop or tablet every day so you can look up different videos/websites to get extra info on top of what's in your textbook. The article that I handed out to you on Friday and that we read about the start of the Cold War is just extra background knowledge for the Cold War and its origins.

  • Go through Potsdam Conference and the beginning of the Cold War
  • Extra Videos

  • Work on presentations - There were several different "parts" of the Cold War period. The class will be split into groups of 2-3 people and it is your responsibility to make some sort of presentation (nothing like a video unless you really really want to) to explain your groups part. This can be in the form of a visual presentation, a game, a live-action skit, anything that you think will help everybody remember your topic. These will be presented on THURSDAY. You will have half of Monday's class to work on it, Tuesday all class and be ready for Thursday to present. 
  • Work on presentations - all handouts, questions and anything else needs to be turned into me by WEDNESDAY night so that on Thursday morning before class, I have the opportunity to photocopy anything that needs to be copied for your presentations.
  • Part  1 of your writing assignment. You can go to the computer lab at 8:00
  • Rants by Taylor and Isaiah
  • Presentations!!!!
  • The New Cold War - is it a thing?

  • Part 2 of your writing assignments (or parts 2 and 3)

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