Sunday 28 September 2014

Finishing the Basics....and I'm Finally Blogging Again

Okay, back on track and back to doing this blog! Just in time for finishing up our first introductory unit.  REMEMBER - You have a test this week! Essay feedback will be back to you this week.  I just want to get everybody's feedback done before I start emailing it out.  That being said, if you want to talk with me one on one about your essays, please book some time with me! I get busy during the school days, but if I know I need to meet with you at lunch or before or after school, then I can arrange that.

So far, we have looked at the basics of individualism and collectivism, as well as looked at the important philosophers of the Enlightenment. Please be sure that you understand their ideas.  We also looked at what influenced the formation of North American democracies more - the Enlightenment or Iroquois Confederacy? Maybe there is no real answer... Or there is and I just won't be telling you.

So what will we be learning this week?

  • Review political and economic systems - what are they and what do they do?
  • Vocab - democracy, dictatorship, capitalism, communism
  • Videos on the French Revolution and Industrial Revolution
  • Vocabulary activity - similarities and differences

Link to some Review Hints

  • Review game
  • Review notes
  • TEST DAY!!!! Only multiple choice questions
  • Rants by Gage and Brynn
  • Partner Tests
  • Decide on whether you want to do political or economic systems first


  • Depends on what we decide to do first on Thursday...

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