Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Shift to Modern Liberalism

Okay, so after today (Wednesday), we only have 4 or 5 classes left, so this will be a blog that will highlight the last few things that we go through.  Today, we will be finishing up with the downside to communism and why it isn't the most efficient system.  From there, we have a few topics left to cover - the first is an economic shift left, meaning that both Canada and the US started to favour more government involvement in their economies to help protect individuals.  Then, in the 1970s, we will see an economic shift right, meaning that both Canada and the US realized that they had too much government involvement in the economy and need to get rid of it.  In 2008, we saw a shift left.  See the pattern?  In the last class, we will be looking at Canada's economy specifically and how our mixed economy works, as well as our progressive taxation.

Here's what we'll be covering:

  • Video Questions on the shift to Modern Liberalism
  • Roosevelt's Progressive Movement and the Square Deal

  • Roaring 20s and the Great Depression

  • Reaction to the Great Depression 
  • Keynesian Economics
  • FDR's New Deal
  • Video and questions on Neo-conservative reaction
  • 1970s shift right to Neo-Conservatism
  • Monetarist Theory

  • Reaganomics and Thatcherism
  • Liberal Economies Now
  • Canada's Economy Video Questions
  • Progressive taxation
  • Mixed economy

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