Sunday, 13 April 2014

Is It Wrong Not To Have All Your Rights?

It seems like forever since I have blogged for you, and it has been forever, practically an entire month! I know that some of you guys will be away on Thursday because of badminton - I will be going through material on safety and security vs. rights and freedoms, so you will need to gather that information.  We lose class on Wednesday this week as well, so time is becoming very precious so if you are missing for whatever reason, even if I only have 3 students in class, I will continue on with the material for the rest of the semester.  For those of you who were gone with me to Europe, on  Wednesday after school until about 4:00 (which means starting  right after school) I can go through what you should have gone through the week you missed as I will be staying late on Wednesday for parent teacher interviews.

As you can most likely tell (unless you are up unusually late on a Sunday night), I am not in school today.  So, I hope that you have headphones with you as you will be working in the computer lab to do some research that we will need for an assignment that is due on Tuesday.  All the handouts that you need will be handed out to you through Dropbox.  So print off what you need at school.

Last week, we looked at the different types of rights that citizens of a democratic nation can have and what protects those rights.  As we saw with some of our case studies on Wednesday, even though it is written down that we are guaranteed certain rights, does not always mean that they are upheld.  So, what do you do when your rights are being ignored? You DISSENT !!! What does that mean?

Now, in a democracy, there are acceptable ways to be a dissident (a person who dissents) and there are unacceptable ways.  Likewise, there are acceptable government responses and unacceptable government responses.  So what we will be looking at on Monday and Tuesday are case studies of dissent and whether or not they are justifiable, as well as discuss how important dissent is to a functioning democracy.


  • Hand in your crossword to the substitute teacher, completed or not.
  • Go to the computer lab
  • Print off the handouts that are for you in Dropbox.  It's titled: Discovering Dissent.  You can also just download the electronic copy and type in your answers if you'd really like to.
  • To start things off with, watch the video below and answer the questions on page 1 of your handout.  Please use your headphones to listen to the video

If you can't see it, go to:

  • Next, look at page 2 in the handout.  On this page, you will be looking up the background information on 2 case studies.  For each of your case student you must identify when and where it took place, the important figure(s) aka: peeps that were integral for the dissent to happen, what was going on in their country (background details) that led to the protest and how the government reacted to the dissent shown.  This will be a paragraph.  Please don't just copy and paste from the internet.  You can type it up on word, the copy and paste it to our sharing forum if you would like but that's not necessary. In a second paragraph, you need to explain why you feel the dissent was justified or not and whether it was appropriate action taken.  As well, discuss if you think how the government responded to the situation was justifiable or not.  Lastly, you need to find some sort of image (picture, poster, cartoon, video) that is about the case study you looked at.
  • When you have collected all of your information, you are going to post it onto this website:  It is password protected and the password is SMHS (all capital letters).  Click anywhere on the wall and you can start putting in your case study.  This case study must be completed by TUESDAY.
  • If you have finished, you can start on the third page of the handout, which I will be taking in for marks which is selecting 4 case studies (none of your own) and putting them in the square with why they fit there.
  • Vocabulary Dissent, Civil Disobedience
  • Notes on Dissent - what is acceptable, what is unacceptable and is it necessary
  • Interpretation of sources
  • Dissent Squares Assignment - Due on Thursday
  • Presentation at school
  • Rants by Cody and Hailey 
  • Imposition of Liberalism - Was it always a choice?
    • Red Paper and White Paper 
    • Residential Schools

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